Who’s on the committee?

President and acting ChairDennis Moor
Treasurer, Marketing & Road StewardsRodney Bennett
Minutes SecretaryBeryl Coxon
EnvironmentAndrew Mollett
Committee MembersStella Etheridge, Clare Fleming
Newsletter Editor (Ex-officio)Denise Wilton
Newsletter Design & Production (Ex-officio)Jonathan Moore

Get involved

If you live in Coney Hall, now is a good time to get involved! We’re on the hunt for new members to join us. It’s a great way to meet people in the area, to have your say, and to make sure Coney Hall is always as good as it’s meant to be. So whether you fancy joining as part of the committee, you’d like to become a street rep, or you want to tell about something you think should be in the newsletter, just get in touch.

Meet Dennis Moor, our President

I moved to Coney Hall in July 1982, with my wife and our young children. We had a leaflet about the Residents’ Association (RA) open meeting in October of that year, so I went along out of interest. I was impressed with the work done by the small committee and joined as a member that evening. I then had an invitation to attend the next committee meeting and surprise, surprise, I was asked to become a member of the committee with responsibility for road safety issues. Within a couple of years, I was nominated as Chairman and was privileged to hold that post for several years. As a new chairman, I worked quite closely with our then new councillor, the superb John Gray and we achieved a lot for residents together. The RA held lots of social events, barn dances, quiz nights, and of course the annual children’s Christmas party which eventually we had to limit to 150 children!  Along with the usual things that residents requested our help with, there were also many important issues affecting our area which the RA, rightly, became very involved. Infilling was a great problem and a very well attended open meeting arranged by the RA needing the large hall at the Assembly rooms, informed the developers very forcefully that their proposed development was not welcome. It did not go ahead.

The newsletter was typed and produced on an ancient Gestetner housed in our dining room and involved a couple of committee members for three nights, printing, collating, and stapling 1,600 copies for free distribution around the estate. I was invited to then become a Trustee at the Assembly Rooms and stood down from the chair of the RA although still remaining a member of the committee. I am now very privileged to be President and follow in some very good footsteps. John Parker and Mary Knight being especially thought of. The present committee continues to meet and do their best to keep Coney Hall the lovely place it should be. Long may the RA continue to serve the community so excellently

Meet Stella Etheridge, committee member (previously our Chair)

I moved to Coney Hall village from Croydon after the memorable freezing winter of 1963, with my husband and two small children. A third followed later.

The only house we could afford, (£3,750) was in Queensway. It had just two bedrooms and was in need of much T.L.C. but it was where it was rather than what it was that decided us. We’ve never regretted making that move.

I joined St. John’s Young Wives, made many new friends, eventually became a Leader, and ran a Sunday School group with ‘The Shaftesbury Children’ from what is now Nash College.

A keen horse rider, I was a founder member of Bromley Bridleways Action Group (BBAG) whose purpose was to raise funds for the creation of new bridleways and to contribute towards the repair and maintenance of those few we already had.  The group started in 1976, is still hard at work, and raised many thousands of pounds for which the Council has been very grateful!

In the 1980’s I swapped my Secretarial career for a career as a Chiropodist and Reflexologist running my own practice for the next twenty very rewarding years.

I joined the Residents’ Association Committee in 2010 as a temporary Secretary which became a permanent post soon after. I helped start the Friends of the Park group and belong to Friends of Well Wood, assisting at the monthly working parties clearing invasive species and opening up glades, letting in light to encourage the bluebells, wood anemones, and foxgloves.

Meet Clare Fleming, committee member

As the newest recruit to the Residents’ Association, I wanted to share my motivation for getting involved, hoping it will encourage some of you to help our neighbourhood thrive and stay special. I’ve lived locally for 20 years, so I know the area well and I love living here. We’ve got some great local shops and I’m always thankful to be so close to nature when I take a walk in Well Wood or Coney Hall Park.

I took some time to find out how the Residents’ Association (RA), Friends Of Coney Hall Park and other volunteer groups work with the local council and community to protect and improve Coney Hall for us all. And loving where I live, I felt I should contribute in some small way.

Did you know that the 138 bus route only goes around the whole estate because the RA campaigned for it to do so? Or that Friends Of Coney Hall Park maintain the flower beds in the park and help to maintain Well Wood? Do you realise that local residents go around the park picking up rubbish so we can all enjoy it free of litter? Are you aware that the flower planters in Coney Hall Parade are tended by volunteers and that our Christmas lights are organised by the RA? We also have someone keeping an eye on planning applications to make sure we don’t get any nasty surprises. 

So, if you also love where you live, why not get involved in some small way? Contact us on coneyhallra@gmail.com to find out how you can help.