Minutes of meetings 2019 Open Meeting
- Stella Etheridge (SE)
- Dennis Moor (DM)
- John Stone (JS)
- Michael Lever (ML)
- Sheila Chivers (SC)
- Beryl Coxon (BC)
- Jeff Hurst (JH)
SE opened the Meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed everyone, including Councillor Graeme Arthur and our Speaker from ‘Lady Bugs’. Unfortunately PCSO Adam Lighterness was not able to attend but he forwarded his report, which DM read out, as follows.
He is always concerned about scams in our area and one particular resident was targeted and had actually handed over several thousand pounds. He wanted residents to be very vigil regarding scammers and to keep a watch over any vulnerable neighbours. They had raided a house in Robins Grove regarding cultivation of drugs. One male was arrested and consequently prosecuted for this and the outcome is still pending. He asked that if anyone had suspicions about a drugs grow in our roads or nearby, they should report it and could remain completely anonymous.
There is now a second PC in our area, who is PC Jim Watkins. He has nearly 16 years of service and he was previously Ward Officer at West Wickham.
Crime in general for the Ward and particularly the Coney Hall area, has not been too bad, though there is a shift towards targets of outhouses/sheds/garages, rather than houses.
The Police have now made the change to ‘South Area’, which amalgamated Bromley, Croydon and Sutton. Although the Police Office is still in West Wickham, there may be the possibility of it moving further away. We will be up-dated if there is any movement.
Cllr. Arthur then spoke. He stated that Bromley is supposed to build 1,460 new dwellings and were looking where these extra houses could go, also needing to protect the green belt. The problem would be that, apart from the extra houses, it would also mean extra Doctors, shops, schools etc. He said that people want to live here for a good quality of life and this must be protected He has been involved in many planning enquiries and he is passionate about holding back building more properties in our area wherever possible.
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A resident asked Cllr. Arthur how the Council could justify all the works being done in Bromley Centre and also outside the Coney Hall shops. The resident stated that workmen go home at 2pm, with often nothing being done. The shop keepers are losing money, which seemed unfair. Cllr. Arthur replied that the work in Bromley was funded by the Mayor of London. He said that he would report back with an answer regarding the work being undertaken in Kingsway.
A resident wanted to know what type of dwellings the 1,460 would be as there are so many people now who cannot afford homes in our area. Cllr. Arthur could not answer this. SE wanted to know how protected the green belt is.
Other residents spoke about parking fees in Bromley, which Cllr. Arthur felt were better than many other areas. Also it was discussed about over-hanging greenery along pavements and was this the responsibility of Street Friends. Cllr. Arthur said he would look into this.
SE then read out her Annual Report and told the Meeting that the Minutes of the 2018 AGM were to hand for anyone to study if they wished.
Any local concerns that may arise throughout the year are hopefully dealt with by our Residents Asscn. Although we may not always be successful, we do try. SE went on to report about various matters that have arisen over the past year, including the
redundant toilet block, which is going to be made into a small private office. We are still allowed to mount our Notice Board on the outside.
So far our Asscn. has managed to head off the Telecommunication Giant who proposed to install a massive phone mast on the green at the bottom of Birth Tree Ave. The placing of a seat on the green was suggested but objected to by those in adjacent properties.
At the Open Meeting last October, the regrettable absence of Christmas lights was raised and although time was short, we decided to try and address the situation. It resulted in a true community effort and although the lights were modest compared to other areas, we at least had them. This year, with more time on our side, we hope residents will help to raise the necessary funds. There will be a Stall at the Village Fair on 11th May, which will hopefully raise funds towards the lights. Also collecting boxes will appear in local shops around September time.
The planters in Kingsway continue to give pleasure and the winter/spring flowers will soon be replaced with summer bedding.
SE then spoke about the work being done by TFL in front of the Kingsway shops. It is to improve parking and will include parking meters being installed. Also two electric charging points are planned. It is also thought that a 20 mph speed limit may soon be in operation in our area as it is already in operation in many surrounding areas.
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SE then spoke about the on-going issue of the roundabout at the bottom of Glebe Way, which is a constant eyesore and bone of contention. Although our Residents Asscn has tried to do something about it and a Meeting was held with TFL, the Police and Councillors, unfortunately nothing could be agreed so this is still on-going. Trees have been planted along the grass verge in Croydon Road, despite us being told that this was not a suitable place for trees.
Our street trees are regularly monitored by Mr. & Mrs.Rickards and they were thanked for all their hard work. They are worried about the amount of water needed for new trees that are planted as most people now have water meters.
SE thanked Mr. & Mrs. Bennett, who also go the extra mile and regularly monitor the tennis courts in the park.
SC is no longer running the Garden Competition and she was thanked for all her hard work over the years. Hopefully a replacement will be found to carry on the tradition.
SE also spoke about Well Wood and the pleasure it gives people, especially when all the bluebells are out. She told the Meeting that the group of volunteers who work once a month keeping it looking good, will always welcome more people to help. She mentioned that, after we had a Speaker from the RSPB last year, who asked for volunteers to help with a nationwide survey, the response was good and thanks were passed on to those who participated.
We donated money to the Royal British Legion, which is our designated charity, by selling large poppies at £2. These will be on sale again this year at the Open Meeting on 8th October 2019.
Noise from the Coney Pub was causing a disturbance again and the Council and Police have been informed.
As JS is now standing down as Treasurer, SE was happy to announce that Mr. Rodney Bennett will take over the position. JS also dealt with Planning and the Website and it is hopeful that someone will be filling these positions as well. SE also asked if there would be anyone willing to consider acting as Secretary as she is now having to fulfil the positions of Chairperson and Secretary.
At the conclusion of her Annual Report, SE stated that she was happy to confirm that we are surviving and always ready to serve our community.
SE then informed the Meeting that as JS was now sadly standing down as Treasurer, she had asked him to speak about his time in Office, which he did. SE then presented JS with a pen from the Committee, with thanks for his many years of hard work.
At this point in the Meeting, all the Committee Members were re-elected. They had all agreed previously to stand again, except Lata, who was so busy in her work, but she was still willing to edit the Newsletter. The election of the Committee was
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proposed by Joy Lever and seconded by Mr. Balcombe. A new lady, Sarah Chant, has agreed to join our Committee. She is passionate about the environment and SE invited her to speak on global warming.
DM then thanked SE for all her hard work as Chairperson/Secretary.
SE then introduced our Speaker, Vicky Simms, from ‘Lady Bugs’.
SE thanked everyone for attending and refreshments followed.
The Meeting closed at 9pm.